Good News
The Roman Road To Salvation
The Roman Road to Salvation is a small series of Bible verses that lay out God’s plan for your salvation in a short, easy to understand way. The Bible is a big book, and God wants us to spend time reading it. However, these few verses are all you really need to understand how you can be saved!
Romans 3:23
For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
You may think that you’re a pretty good person, and by human standards, maybe you are. However, good and bad are not standards that are set by man. They are set by God, in His ultimate wisdom. By God’s holy standard, you, I, and everyone else are sinners!
Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord!
God is so holy that He just can’t be in the presence of sin. Since we are all sinners, that means that God can’t abide our sinful presence. We are separated from Him! That is the “death” spoken of here: eternal separation from God. To make matters worse, we have to spend this eternal separation in hell.
So, the wages of sin is death. In other words, if you sin, something has to die to make up for it. Before Jesus came, God let His people kill valuable animals, like sheep, to atone for their sin. He gave Moses a complicated set of instructions describing the process. These instructions were called The Law. But God didn’t intend for His people to live under The Law forever!
So, the wages of sin is death. In other words, if you sin, something has to die to make up for it. Before Jesus came, God let His people kill valuable animals, like sheep, to atone for their sin. He gave Moses a complicated set of instructions describing the process. These instructions were called The Law. But God didn’t intend for His people to live under The Law forever!
Romans 5:8
But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
This is God’s gift. He sent a part of Himself to earth as Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus lived a perfect life, never sinning even once. He stayed with us for a few years, teaching us how we should live our lives and worship God. Then, according to God’s holy plan, Jesus willingly died a painful, humiliating death. For us. His death paid for our sin, once and for all. We no longer have to sacrifice animals to atone for our sin. Jesus became the blood sacrifice, thus fulfilling The Law that God gave to Moses. That is why we refer to Jesus as The Lamb.
Romans 10:9 – 10:13
…That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. …for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
After Jesus died for us, God raised Him right back to life! This is as important as His blood sacrifice, because it means that Jesus is living today! But He is no longer a man on a cross or a body in a tomb; He is King of Kings, and Lord of Lords!
And He wants to be your Lord, to save you from eternal death in hell, and to give you the Holy Spirit to help you get to know Him and live your life for Him.
So, if you believe in the living Jesus and publicly acknowledge Him, you will receive the Gift and be saved! It’s that simple!
Please, if this is the first time that you have read or heard the Gospel, go back and read it again. If you feel inclined to believe all of this, it is because God is calling to you! When you are ready to accept the gift that God offers to you, you can pray the Sinner’s Prayer.
The Sinners Prayer
“Lord Jesus, I am a sinner! I want forgiveness for all my sins, my past sins and present sins. I believe that you died on a cross for me and then rose alive on the third day. I believe that through your sacrifice and resurrection, I have the hope of eternal life. I give you my life now, to do with as you wish. I want you to come into my heart, and be Lord of my life. Thank you Jesus for the free gift of salvation.”
Please understand, this is a sample prayer. There is nothing magical about the particular words used here. Salvation is not a ritual, it is a condition of the heart. However, the sentiments written above are the essence of our salvation. As long as you understand and accept how God has chosen to save you, you can use whatever words God puts in your heart.
And remember, God wants you to acknowledge Him publicly. Don’t keep the good news to yourself! Share it, so that you can spend eternity not only with Jesus, but also with the people you care about!